Furniture Quality Control Inspections in Malaysia

Furniture Quality Contrtol Inspections in Malaysia

Malaysia Furniture Quality Control - Malaysian furniture accounts for 1.3% of the countries total exports. Malaysian Furniture exists because Rubber tree which produces rubberwood grows so well in the country, and is used as an alternative wood for the furniture industry. While the cost of labour may be higher in Malaysia when compared to China or Vietnam, it has built a reputation for producing high-quality low-cost products. Goodada's Malaysia Furniture Quality Control Inspections services offer QC Inspections on all types of Furniture which is made in Malaysia.


Malaysia Export Analysis

In 2019, Malaysia exported $3.6 billion worth of Furniture. It is the 18th largest exporter of Furniture in the world with Sweden one place ahead of it and Belgium one place below it.The USA is Malaysia's biggest export market accounting for over 42% of its total furniture exports. Singapore, Japan, Australia and the United Kingdom are the next most prominent destinations for Malaysian Furniture.

The main furniture products which are made in Malaysia include:

  • Dining Room Furniture
  • Bedroom Furniture
  • Upholstery Furniture
  • Office Furniture
  • Tables & Chairs

Did you know that Goodada can inspect many other products in Malaysia. To find our more please visit our Malaysia Inspection page.

Did you know that Goodada provides Furniture QC Inspections across many countries including LithuaniaPortugalTurkey and Spain.

For more information about Malaysia Furniture Inspections, please contact:

Contact Person: Aidan Conaty

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Malaysia Furniture Contact

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Malaysia Furniture Email

Phone:(Europe/ Rest of the World) +353 1 885 3919 ; (UK) +44.020.3287.2990 ; (North America) +1.518.290.6604

Goodada offers the following types of Malaysia Quality Checks.

Malaysia Furniture Factory Audit

Malaysia Furniture Factory Audit

The purpose of ordering a Furniture Factory Audit in Malaysia is to ensure that the company is real and can manufacture furniture products. During a Factory Audit, the inspector checks the quality control systems, production standards and the manufacturers exporting history. It is vital to have an audit conducted on any seller as it can provide you with an independent assessment of any potential supplier for your furniture supply chain.

Malaysia Furniture QA Services

Malaysia Finished Furniture Inspection

Malaysia Finished Furniture Inspection Servcies.This inspection is our most popular furniture inspection in Malaysia. Our inspector visits the factory in Malaysia after it has completed the production of your furniture order and checks the furniture  specifications, quantities, dimensions, packing requirements, user manual and shipping marks. If you require the inspector to conduct any additional checks, our team will be more than happy to discuss these requirements with you.


Malaysia Furniture Loading Inspection

Malaysia Furniture Packing Inspection

Our Malaysia Furniture Packing Inspections are conducted when your order is being loaded the containers at the factory in Malaysia. Our staff oversee the loading to ensure that the supplier meets your packing requests. During hot months, some buyers request that the supplier lays down waterproof materials onto the base of the shipping container. These are times when it is vital to have an inspector there to ensure that this happens. 


Malaysia Furniture Factory Supervision

Malaysia Furniture Manufacturing Monitoring

This inspection service is used by companies who have ongoing issues with the quality control process of the factory in Malaysia. The objective is to have an inspector at the factory in Malaysia during the times when your furniture products are being made. The inspector will be able to inform you of any issues or bottlenecks with your furniture order. The on-site inspector can also advise the factory manager in Malaysia of any problems.


Malaysia Wood Inspection

Malaysia Furniture Parts Inspection

A Furniture Materials Inspection focuses the raw materials such as timber and components which will be used in the manufacture of your furniture order. Before production commences, the inspector goes to the factory to check the selected materials and speak with the production manager. The inspector can inspect invoices to confirm that the timber and wood has been sourced from certified sustainable suppliers.



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