Furniture Quality Control Inspections in Vietnam

Furniture Quality Control Inspections in Vietnam

Furniture Quality Control Inspections in Vietnam - Last Year, Vietnam's furniture export industry faced challenges but achieved significant numbers. Vietnam exported approximately $13.5 billion of wood and wooden furniture, making it one of the world's leading furniture exporters. Goodada's Vietnam Furniture Inspection services are designed to cover a wide range of furniture products, including outdoor furniture, bedroom sets, dining tables, and chairs. These inspections are not just a formality, but a vital step in ensuring that products meet rigorous international quality standards before they are shipped, thereby maintaining the credibility and reliability of your business.

The United States remains the largest market for Vietnamese furniture, accounting for a substantial portion of the country's total exports. Other significant markets include Japan, China, and South Korea. Vietnam's competitive advantage lies in its access to sustainable wood sources like Rubberwood and Cajuput wood and lower labor costs than neighboring countries like China and Malaysia. It makes Vietnam an attractive destination for furniture production and export.

Looking to find Furniture Suppliers in Vietnam? Please visit this page from the Vienamese Furniture Association BIFA.

For companies sourcing furniture from Vietnam, ensuring the quality and integrity of their products is paramount. Goodada's Furniture Qulaity Control Inspections in Vietnam services play a crucial role in this, providing a reliable way to ensure that products meet international quality standards before they are shipped.

The main Vietnam furniture products that Goodada provides Quality Control Inspections include:

  • Bedroom Furniture
  • Outdoor Furniture
  • Seating Furniture
  • Children's Furniture
  • Office Furniture
  • Tables & Chairs

Did you know that Goodada can inspect many other types of products across Vietnam? Goodada provides Furniture Inspections across many countries including Italy, Mexico, Czechia and Spain.

For more information about Vietnam Furniture Inspections, please contact:

Contact Person: Aidan Conaty

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Vietnam Furniture Contact

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Vietnam Furniture Email

Phone:(Europe/ Rest of the World) +353 1 885 3919 ; (UK) +44.020.3287.2990 ; (North America) +1.518.290.6604


Goodada offers the following types of Furniture Quality Control Inspections in Vietnam.

Vietnam Furniture Supplier Verification

Vietnam Furniture Factory Audit

The purpose of ordering a Factory Audit of the Furniture Manufacturer in Vietnam is to confirm that it is a legitimate company, it has the capability of making the furniture your order to the specifications and quality standards which your market requires. During a Factory Audit, the inspector checks the quality control systems, production standards and its exporting record of the factory which you are interested in placing your order.

Vietnam Furniture Inspection

Vietnam Furniture Finished Production Inspection

A Vietnam Furniture Finished Production Inspection is conducted at the factory in Vietnam after the furniture products have been made. This inspection focuses on the specifications, quantities, dimensions, packing requirements and shipping marks of the furniture order. The inspector can conduct on-site visual testing. Your report will highlight any problems or issues identified by the inspector during the inspection. You should allow five days from the final date this inspection takes place to the time which the goods should be loaded onto a shipping container. This inspection is one of the most popular furniture quality control inspections in Vietnam


Vietnam Furniture Loading Inspection

Vietnam Furniture Loading Supervision

Our Furniture Loading Inspections are conducted as the furniture is being packed into the containers in Vietnam. The inspector can supervise to make sure that the furniture is packed to your requirements. Often during the summer months, clients ask the inspectors to check that the floors of the shipping containers are lined with waterproof materials and container vents are set to open.  As furniture quality control inspections in Vietnam goes, this inspection would rank second as our most popular inspection.


Vietnam Furniture Production Supervision

Vietnam Furniture Factory Production Monitoring

A Vuetnam Furniture Factory Production Monitoring Service will provide you with daily updates on the quantities of furniture items produced plus inform you of any issues or bottlenecks with your furniture order. The on-site inspector can also advise the factory manager in Vietnam of any problems which has been identified. This service is used by clients who have time-sensitive orders. Additionally many clients who are experiencing communication issues with the Vietnam Furniture Supplier request this inspection. For more information, please visit our Furniture Production Monitoring in Vietnam page. 


Vietnam Wood Inspection

Vietnam Furniture Pre Production Inspection

A Vietnam Furniture Pre Production Inspection focuses the raw materials such as wood and parts which will be used to make your furniture order. It is the only stage where the moisture content of the wood can be checked to make sure that it meets your requirements. Before production commences, the inspector goes to the factory to check the selected materials and speak with the production manager.



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